3 DAY IMMERSION - Mullum Nov 2024

This video above describes the 10-week version of this training. The upcoming 3-day immersion condenses these teachings into an in-person offering.


“Thanks, Lauren, for an enlightening week of training. I learned so much about my body and the way my journey has evolved over time.

This week offered my soul so much newness - new scenery, new people, new awareness, newness in my body. New shifts. Thanks for holding the space so beautifully and showing so much grace in delivering the training.

I had been interested in Somatics for a while, and wanted to learn more about what it all means. I just loved the way Lauren held space so beautifully for us all, holding and maintaining the energy with special thought to everyone present, allowing us all to be seen in heard in our own unique way.”

- Lucie.
Somatics Facilitator Foundations 2024


 "5 Stages to Somatic Therapy & Expressive Body Art"


 starting Nov 2024

What are the 5 Stages?

This malleable structure creates an educational environment for participants and facilitators to be aware of, to weave through and to express life experience together so that we may facilitateᅠchange within collective spaces.


ᅠattunement, orientation and co-regulation

Learn how to attune yourself to the room/session/environment to facilitate unconditional positive regard and to allow for whatever needs to arise. ᅠDiscover ways to createᅠthe conditions in place that allow for a co-creative container to bring forth connection and healing.


dialogue process, somatic awareness & direct experience

Discover and refine what is happening in the present moment so that you can guide yourself and others toward deeper awareness and insight.ᅠ


ᅠplaying with parts,ᅠresiliency building, somatosensory function & resourcing

Find ways to play, get curious and explore the different elements of the human psyche within the body. Encourage creativity and expression with open dialogue while simultaneously holding a grounded and structured container.


movement therapy, expressive body art & building capacity


Allow somatic experience to take form using expressive body art. Access internal resources, evoke emotion and cultivate imagination for weaving and creative expression



facilitating group sessions for integrating somatic experience

Learn to hold space for deeper awareness and how to facilitate in a way that supports growth and action.

We acknowledge the Darkinjung people as the Traditional Custodians of this land where we hold our ritual today. We pay our respects to the Elders, past and present, and extend that respect to any Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people with us today.





As the Somatic Facilitator, You keep your feet on the ground to open the door for possibility and imagination.

You hold yourself first as you guide your community through the portal of the body.

It's clear to everyone that you embody your own truth so that you can empower them to find their own.

It's not a matter of fixing anyone, but in fact an exploration and deeper presence with what is. 


The Somatic Facilitator is not telling you how to feel, but is asking you to say more with your whole body.

You're able to make so much room for creativity and play and you  find yourself somewhere so unexpected with each and every session.

You embrace the mystery, the unexpected and leave room for your clients and students to find their own answers.

You don't have to 'get it right' because you know there is nothing right or wrong about how you are in your body.

You trust that you know exactly what you are doing.

Your clients and students trust you because you trust yourself.



It's being rooted in the sensations of the body that will wake us up to the dream that we live in.

No longer can we escape the immense amount of wisdom we carry in our tissues and bones.
We get to be greater listeners of the voices that live inside of us.
If you have been dreaming of a place to reignite your relationship to your body so that you can support others in doing the same, this training is most definitely for you.ᅠ

As facilitators, practitioners and guides, this work must be received by our bodies first.

No longer are you able to abandon ᅠyourself while being of service.

It's time ᅠyou learn the skills that will sustain your body's energy, encourage its vitality and support the expression it is here to share with the world.

If you have been bending over backwards (literally and metaphorically) for the people in your life, you're going to want to join us in this training.
It is not your fault that you have had to override the sweet messages that have been attempting to grab your attention for decades.

The ones that tell you what nourishment you're craving, the places you are saying yes and no, or the creative endeavors you're ready to pursue.

This work goes beyond our sessions and into our families.

If you are a highly sensitive human being in a body, this training will give you the tools you need to navigate life feeling grounded and in relationship with experience and expression in the world.

Somatics will be the grounding force that helps you process and digest such high levels of information and wisdom.
If you've been feeling the strong desire to source your wisdom from the body so that you can support your community, this is the work for you.





I honestly left the foundation training feeling as though I found what I was looking for if only I could afford to be in and go all the way. 
I have found it hard to put into words for others what I learnt but everything has shifted....it's not so much a transformation...
More a coming home....into myself...a holy communion with myself that manifests as more harmony and honesty in my relationships. 
Since the foundation training I have had some profound moments that have led me to start writings that I may be able to share soon and also my communication with the universe/ omniverse has grown stronger which has me feeling more courageous to show up and let my heart open 
- Zahra

We acknowledge the Darkinjung people as the Traditional Custodians of this land where we hold our ritual today. We pay our respects to Elders, past and present, and extend that respect to any Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people with us today.


Nov 2024

3 days IN-PERSON
Mullumbimby, NSW


to guide you with intention and support, including...

  • 3 Days of in-person classes - 22nd, 23rd & 24th November 
  • 10:00am - 5:00pm daily
  • Peaceful venue set in Byron Hinterland - Mullumbimby (for daily classes only - students responsible for own accommodation)





Can't make this offering?

More dates will be offered throughout the year for both online and in-person intensive trainings.


  Don’t see what you want? Have more questions?
Feel free to reach out via email to learn more:

[email protected]

Guest Facilitator

(online training only)


Nathali is a queer indigenous mestiza latina who comes from a lineage of medicine weavers, creatives, resilient life & death bridge builders. She's a bodyworker, space holder, mystic, and ritual ceremonialist who facilitates and teaches holistic leadership, somatic awareness, ancestral re-membering, and creative liberation through an animist, decolonial, anti-oppressive lens. 



With Marissa, we will learn about the power of our capacity for pleasure and the importance of knowing how to heal not only through challenge and strength but also through going towards ease, playfulness and what feels good. We will explore the somatics of resourcing the nervous system, savoring and glimmers. We will unpack and expand upon our inherited understandings of what it means to be in a body and become students of our inherent birthright: pleasure.

What is Expressive Body Art?

"The artistry by the body to evoke emotion and imagination through shapes, gestures and movement.


This therapeutic process brings form to somatic experience so that to facilitate dialogue between inner world and out world."


- InnerLoom Somatic Process





Mullumbimby,  November 2024


Choose the financial option that works for your body.

Payment Plan

$253 AUD

5 payments


Payment Plan

$422 AUD

3 payments


Payment Plan

$633 AUD

2 payments


Pay in Full

$1265 AUD

1 payment




15th-17th November 2024

[email protected] 



I'm Lauren...


...the founder and Somatic Therapist who is here to show you another way.
Another way of being in the body.


As a facilitator, as a practitioner, as a parent, as a partner, as a friend, as a colleague...


As a human being.


I believe that somatic facilitation is the key for so many of us to develop better relationships with our bodies so that we can be in right relationship with our Earth.

I created the InnerLoom Somatic Process when I knew there was something way beyond the yoga mat for me.

I began to wonder, "how would I move if I took myself outside of these four corners?"


What I found was that there was in fact a piece of me waiting to be explored, but my frame of reference within these ancient practices was in fact limiting my perception.


They weren't directly speaking to my body which was quite confusing initially.


I felt the call to leave a very linear and disciplined approach to healing so that I could tap into my own body's artistry and natural expression. 


The depth of my soul was awakening and I needed another way of exploring the magnitude in energy I was sensing.


This process not only gave me direct contact with the many facets of my internal world, but also paved a path for my creative expression within my environment.


I noticed that the decisions I was making were more in alignment with my value system.


The outer world began to reflect the truth that lived in me.


And for me, that is true FREEDOM.


It was then that I realized, my body does know what it's doing.


This ignited my passion to show people that they too can have agency over their sensory self and being in the body doesn't have to be so confusing.


Sharing the InnerLoom Somatic Process has shown me just how much folks are ready for this.


I've watched so many shift the way they support themselves while being in service to their communities.
It's my dream to bring to life more somatic facilitators who know how to hold space for all bodies for the sake of belonging and greater wisdom within our communities.


Thank you for being here.

"This weekend with Lauren was a huge eye opener for me. I was truly blown away with what my body could tell me I needed on such a deep level. Lauren held such a beautiful safe space, which made it easy to open up and share. It felt so good to move my body intuitively, to listen what was best for me. Lauren provided enough guidance for you to get started and then trust yourself to move how you needed and listen to your body." 

-Lara R.

"What an incredible weekend! Lauren guided us through the aspects of somatosensory facilitation in such a genuine, thoughtful way. The space was welcoming and safe, and the group was so caring and supportive of one another. The training was phenomenal, I learnt so much about not just the somatosensory system, but my own body and mind. I felt completely able to take on the knowledge and apply it straight away to my own life, as well as my work. I cannot wait to see what comes out from this amazing weekend."

- Zoe

"Lauren guided us through a beautiful weekend of exploration. Lauren created a warm, inviting space for everyone to connect and feel supported without any judgement. I felt safe to show up exactly where I was at which looked very different both days. It was devine timing for me to truly connect with myself and my emotions and i discovered a lot that has helped draw attention to parts of myself that I had been avoiding or just felt like I'd moved passed them. Lauren is a compassionate, loving, authentic leader that holds the space for everything to arise and is able to add so much light to the experience."

-Sarah D.

"I recently had the incredible opportunity to delve deeper into the Art of Somatics with Lauren from Inner Loom, following a powerful 10-week online introduction to somatics. Lauren's articulate guidance during our online sessions had already given me a deeper understanding and appreciation for this transformative art. So, when she offered an in-person 5-day immersion, I was thrilled to experience somatics in a whole new way.

The immersion took place in a beautiful natural setting, which added to the transformative experience. Lauren's mastery was evident; her powerful presence allowed me to fully surrender and be present with my body, moment to moment.


Throughout the 5 days, she created a space for us to explore, question, and inquire, fostering a collective atmosphere of curiosity.

I felt myself traveling to new depths within my body, experiencing a profound sense of liberation."

- Simone.

"Lauren has a wonderful way of creating a safe and supportive space to explore the body and discover somatic movement and its various tools.

She teaches from a space of total passion that is so inspiring.

At the introductory course I had so many “aha” moments and took away from it much more awareness of my body and how I can tap into what it is telling me on a day to day basis.

Such a beautiful two days surrounded by a great group all journeying through it together guided by Lauren’s wisdom."

- Tullia M.




questions and enquiries: innerloom@gmail.com